c++ - Building the cpprest (Casablanca) on windows using VS express - Stack Overflow

c++ - Building the cpprest (Casablanca) on windows using VS express - Stack Overflow

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Microsoft c++ rest sdk for visual studio 2013 free

  The C++ REST project provides a modern asynchronous C++ API for cloud-based client-server communication. It is available on codeplex and. The C++ REST SDK is supported on both Visual Studio and It provides powerful models to writing asynchronous code based on new C++    


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March 4th, 0. Next, you will need to associate your Visual Studio project with the app entry you made on your developer account. It is vital that you complete this step — without a proper package identity and a store-signed key, Live Services will reject all login requests from your app.

If you cannot find the necessary reference in the dialog, make sure you have installed the appropriate SDK and try restarting Visual Studio. We start by creating the OnlineIdAuthenticator object, and then create a request to log into Windows Live. In this case, we are requesting the wl. You can view the full list of Windows Live scopes and what they permit your app to access here.

The OnlineIdAuthenticator allows you to submit multiple login requests simultaneously, but for our purposes, a single login request is sufficient. In the code above, we are using a PPL task continuation to inspect the login ticket after the user has consented. Note that we are not handling error cases where the user has not consented or the authentication fails for example, due to an incorrect app association.

These cases should be handled using a task-based continuation to catch the error and handle it appropriately. To learn more about using PPL, I recommend this article. When the user has logged in and given their consent for your app to access their information, the continuation will be called back. However, the only property we care about at this point is the security token which is found in the collection of tickets included in the UserIdentity. T he token returned after successful login is required in later steps, and so needs to be stored somewhere for later access.

In the example above, the token is being stored in a global variable; in a full application, this would more appropriately be stored in a member variable and protected against concurrent access and race conditions.

This is a simple web-standard format to return structured data, which many different languages and frameworks have the ability to parse. Comments are closed. Collaborating with Your Team in VS. OfekShilon March 7, Eric Battalio March 11, Paste your code snippet. Cancel Ok.


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